Happy #EndTheStigma Month! In honor of May is Menstruation Month, Period Poverty Week (5/22-5/28) and Menstrual Hygiene Day (5/28), we want to encourage you to be free and open about having the conversation to what some deems as taboo. As an official partner of the Menstrual Hygiene Day Organization, we vow to fight to end the period stigma by 2030! Let's dismantle this theory and advocate for normalizing what is a natural part of life.

Happy #FlowFriday! We want to provide you with education, resources and opportunities to advocate for menstrual equity, combat period poverty and achieve optimal womb wellness. Let's challenge ourselves to be open-minded to alternative techniques that may improve your uterine health. If any of our information is unfamiliar or does not resonate with you, we encourage you to research for yourself to gain a better understanding.
Ready for to deep dive into #periodtalk and review #periodtips?! Activating #menstrualeducation in 3, 2, 1...
We are Coming in Hot Serving up the "Chai?"
Tea, gems or whatever you choose to call resources these days...Chai actually means "life" or "living" in Hebrew therefore what are we serving that will aid in transcending your life?! Events, resources and tips...why not?! Check out the support in order to improve your menstrual cycle journey.
Let's Celebrate #MHDay2023 with "Kick Cramp's Ass - The Workshop"
This Yoga Pose Will Get Rid of Cramps
They Don't Really Pick Chemicals in Period Products, Do They?!
KCA Product Highlight: Cramp Elixir
"Kick Cramp's Ass - The Podcast" Every #MenstruationMonday
When Was the Last Time You Detoxed Your Womb?!
Let's Celebrate #MHDay2023 with "Kick Cramp's Ass - The Workshop"
A healing wellness workshop on taking back control of your womb. We want to inspire you to "Kick Cramp's Ass!" In honor of Menstruation Month (May), Period Poverty Awareness Week (May 22nd-28th) and Menstrual Hygiene Day (May 28th), we are hosting a workshop to serve, heal and educate for menstrual equity, period poverty and womb wellness in the underrepresented (melanin, women, LGBTQ+, veterans & individuals w/ disabilities) community in an effort to achieve optimal wellness.

Come out and join us as we present "Kick Cramp's Ass - The Workshop" hosted by Brittany Walker, M.S. (Nutritionist & Author) where we will deep dive into applicable knowledge inspired by her book, "NNG's Formula to Kick Cramp's Ass! A Blueprint to Naturally Get Rid of Menstrual Cramps."
What to Expect?!
Interactive workshop dismantling the taboo subject of menstruation
Serving the Chai (the tea/details) and dropping lucrative gems that will aid in acquiring menstrual equity
Review of essential tools and legitimate techniques to combat period poverty
Swag bag goodies with recommendations and resources to enhance womb wellness
Q&A session with qualified Plant-Based Nutritionist
Networking opportunities amongst others wanting to heal their wombs
Plant-based refreshments & beverages
Raffle giveaways totaling more than $2,000! This includes: 1) a signed copy of "NNG's Formula to Kick Cramp's Ass! A Blueprint to Naturally Get Rid of Menstrual Cramps" plus a garnet crystal bookmark, 2) Cramp Elixir plus chrysocolla tea infuser, 3) $50 gift card to KCA Store, 4) Goddess Box or grand prize of 5) a Menstrual Therapy package
Opportunity to vibe with AMAZING energy on Self-Care/Love Sunday!
We look forward to serving and connecting with you! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at contact@kickcrampsass.org.
Thank you and see you soon!
This Yoga Pose Will Get Rid of Cramps
Engaging in yoga moves will aid in decreasing period pain and symptoms. In just the first year of consistently practicing yoga, our cramps diminished along with balancing our hormones and mood. Since there are so many helpful positions to choose from, we will highlight a different move each blog for you to incorporate into your menstrual pain relief regimen.
Have you ever tried the Bound Angle Pose?!
This is an extremely easy pose that takes less than 10 seconds to get into position. Be sure to breathe by thoroughly inhaling and exhaling throughout the entire movement. You can repeat as many times as needed until you feel relief. You can view the video on the right for a quick demonstration!
Some of the benefits that the Bound Angle Pose offers are:
Stimulates ovaries
Relieves menstrual cramps
Improves lower back pain
Eases tension in the body
10-15 seconds is not too much time out of your day to do something that may potentially improve your menstrual cycle each month. Try this pose out and start discovering what does and does not work as you acre creating your own menstrual pain relief regimen. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with the latest resources.
They Don't Really Pick Chemicals in Period Products, Do They?!
Flabbergasted was an understatement when we realized how many different chemicals that are in traditional period products and how these ingredients play a huge factor in having a negative effect on our uterine health. According to Time Magazine (2023), "Also known as “forever chemicals,” these ubiquitous and persistent manufacturing chemicals have been linked by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to a range of health ills, including: decreased fertility, high blood pressure in pregnant people, increased risk of certain cancers, developmental delays and low birthweight in children, hormonal disruption, high cholesterol, reduced effectiveness of the immune system—leading to decreased efficacy of vaccines—and more."

You read right...there are multiple chemicals and toxins that are added to feminine hygiene products that are not conducive to achieving optimal womb wellness. Common ingredients that are added to period products but we want to try and avoid are:
Chlorine Bleach
Pesticides Residue
Polyethylene (plastic)
These ingredients are prevalent in pads, tampons, panty liners, wipes, period panties and even on diapers! We recommend locating a brand that is all-natural or organic to prevent your body building an accumulation of these unwanted contents. Take time to thoroughly read the label on the product to determine what is best for you. Do not be afraid to be patient in the process and research the ingredients so that you have a better understanding of what you are using. Here are some of our favorite brands (and they are all underrepresented Founders: people of color, women or LGBTQ+):
Vagesty: We feature their all natural & organic feminine wipes in our Goddess Boxes! Use code "KCA" at check out to receive a discount (20%)!
Flex: our favorite period product is their disposable menstrual disc!
The HoneyPot Co: this was the first company that we used when we switched from using traditional period products full of toxins. Select here to receive a discount ($10 off) on your first order!
August: the latest brand that we discovered making waves in Target stores across the United States.
Source: Kluger, J. (2023, February 9). Time Magazine. Retrieved May 1, 2023, from https://time.com/6254060/pfas-period-chemicals-underwear-tampons/.
KCA Product Highlight: Cramp Elixir
An alternative holistic method that has been around for centuries is herbs. True alchemy comes from the perfect blend to resolve the issue that you are having. Look no further as we have our unique herbal remedy, Cramp Elixir, that has over 20 healing agents.

This herbal tea blend designed to reduce and eliminate menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms and other uterine health issues that are hindering your day-to-day progress. Our elixir will also decrease inflammation, reduces stress/anxiety, regulates blood flow, balances mood and it can Kick Cramp's Ass! It includes:
Hibiscus: regulates menstruation, improves blood circulation, anti-inflammatory, regulates mood and other PMS symptoms
Red Raspberry Leaf: tightens pelvic muscles, reduces muscles spasms & regulates PMS symptoms
Calendula: eliminates bacterial vaginosis, decreases yeast infections, antioxidant, reduces discharge & bloating
Motherwort: strengthens uterine muscles, decreases cramps, hormone regulator & encourages suppressed blood flow
Nettles: improves estrogen, regulates blood flow, mood regulator & packed with iron
Vervain: stimulates gastrointestinal system, relieves inflammation, reduces constipation, regulates mood/hormones, enhances reproductive health
Ashwagandha: reduces cramps, regulates cycle & governs blood flow
Chaste Tree: also known as Vitex - boosts progesterone which regulates the estrogen, eliminates fibroids & improves endometriosis
Mugwort: stabilizes hormones, excretes stagnant blood & promotes healthy period
Ginger: rectifies muscle spasms, pain relief & controls blood flow
Turmeric: governs mood, adjusts hormones & fights pms symptoms
Cinnamon: calms nausea, reduces inflammation & eliminates pain
Orange Peel: lessens bloating, regulates pms symptoms & weakens spasms/cramps
Lemon Peel: controls blood flow, reduces stress & governs cycle
"Kick Cramp's Ass - The Podcast" Every #MenstruationMonday
We release new episodes on Menstruation Mondays having the most candid conversations about what others perceive to be a "taboo." Tune in as we talk about ways to Kick Cramp's Ass, acquire menstrual equity, overcome period poverty and achieve optimal womb wellness on one of your favorite podcast outlets (Spotify, Anchor, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music or Google Podcasts).

With already a few episodes available, be sure to check out the raw conversation that we are having in order to provide other techniques to improving your overall womb wellness. We share a unique gift, the ability to procreate. And whether you desire to have children or not, we still want to ensure you are protecting your womb to avoid any unwanted diagnoses or uterine health issues.
If after listening to any episode and you would like to contact us, feel free to comment directly to the episode or you can email us at contact@kickcrampsass.org for further assistance. We look forward to serving, educating and potentially healing you as you embark on conquering a pleasant menstrual cycle journey!
When Was the Last Time You Detoxed Your Womb?!
Detoxing your body provides so many legitimate benefits that aid in releasing disease from the body. Just think about it, many individuals begin suffering from health issues as they leave their 20's and approach their third decade. If it took multiple years to develop an issue then it will definitely take time to reverse any potential damage that has been done.

Every quarter (each season or every 3 months) is an adequate time to complete a cleanse to your body. Although there are various forms of expelling toxins from the body, we recommend to complete a raw cleanse to ensure you are only digesting and absorbing whole, nutritious food items. This can be for 3, 7 or even 14 days however completing a full month (30 days) detox has shown the best results. It takes a minimum of 30 days to break a habit so why not reward yourself by not filling the body with factors that hinder the womb such as red meats, fried foods, high-cholesterol dishes, sweets, nutrient-dense foods or alcohol.
Detoxing will not only improve your physical health but will also enhance your mental state, balance your emotional well-being and heighten your spiritual wellness. This is a rewarding process however we must warn you that this can be a culture shock if you do not properly prepare for this journey (research recipes that you are willing to prepare, locate local businesses that can cater to a raw lifestyle, hire a chef or meal preparation company or make a grocery list then actually execute the designated meal plan). It takes time management, patience and discipline so this is extremely achievable! And just know, there are some delectable raw dishes (cheesecake, overnight oats, spaghetti, brownie bites, tacos, etc.)
Check out an easy detox recipe that is appetizing and easy to make:
